Bryant, Indiana
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We invite you to worship God together with us!


Our Sunday services start at 10:00 a.m. The first Sunday of the month and on festival Sundays we celebrate Holy Communion.

As Lutherans we celebrate “liturgical” worship services. We think that worshiping God is much more than going to a concert with an integrated sermon. Instead of that we want all people to be involved actively in singing, praying and reading the Holy Scripture.

A children’s sermon is part of each service, followed by the children’s church, for which the kids leave the sanctuary with a teacher. They return for the Eucharist or the blessing. 

We tape our Sunday services so our homebound can also take part in these services and make them feel they are part of our congregation.

Please join us after the worship service when we come together in our Fellowship Hall, where we have a snack and enjoy each other’s company!

Advent and Lenten Midweek Services are provided on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in our chapel. Everybody is invited to come together in the Fellowship Hall for a light meal at 6:00 p.m.




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