Bryant, Indiana
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Who is your pastor?
We at Redeemer are blessed to have Robert Abner as our Pastor. Robert is from Richmond, IN and a 2005 Ball State graduate with a degree in Social Studies Education. He started doing High School Youth Ministry in 2006 and has been working in ministry since. He graduated from the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkley, CA and Lutheran Seminary in St Paul, MN. Robert has been the Vicar and now Pastor for Redeemer and Grace Village Campus Ministry since April 2011.

How do I get to Redeemer Lutheran Church?
Redeemer Lutheran Church is located at the corner of Malin and Elm streets in Bryant, IN. Click here to see a map.

Where do I go?
The church building has two entrances. If you want to join the Sunday services you should take the main entrance on the left hand side of the church building. If you want to join any other event or need a chairlift to enter the sanctuary you should take the entrance on the right.

What should I wear?
This is absolutely up to you. There isn’t any hidden dress code; in our worship services you’ll find a lot of different styles, from casual to formal. 

Will I have to stand up or sign anything, if I visit you for the first time?
No. Please come in, relax, enjoy, and find out what our services and community are like. You can be sure that you won't be put on the spot or embarrassed when you come to worship God together with us.

Do I have to know anything special about the service?
No. Our services are very guest-friendly. You will receive a bulletin where you can find everything that goes on in our worship service, in chronological order.

Do I have to be a Lutheran to participate?
No, everybody is welcome. At Redeemer we invite all people to come and worship God with us, no matter if you belong to any church or not.

Can I receive Holy Communion at Redeemer?
For Lutherans the sermon and the Eucharist are the central parts of a worship service. Because of that we invite all Christians who are baptized and who believe that Christ is truly present in, with and under the consecrated elements of bread and wine to receive Holy Communion. All children who weren’t instructed about this Holy Sacrament are welcome to come to the altar and to receive God’s blessing. For us there isn’t any problem if you decide not to receive Communion in our church. Then please stay seated during this part of the service. If you want to know more about the Holy Sacraments please talk with the Pastor.

How big is your congregation?
We have 65 baptized members. The average attendance on Sundays is 43.

How long are the Sunday Services?
They are usually about 60 minutes; on Communion Sundays, a little longer.

How do I arrange for a Baptism, a Marriage or a Funeral?
Call the church office (phone: 260-997-6787) and make an appointment to meet the Pastor.

If you would like more information about our congregation, the Christian faith or the Lutheran tradition, simply let us know!




