Bryant, Indiana
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Together with 5 million other Christians our congregation belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Lutherans are one of the largest denominations in the world. In many countries such as Denmark, Sweden or Norway nearly everybody belongs to the Lutheran church. In other countries, especially in Africa, the Lutheran churches are growing rapidly.

Lutheranism started as a reform movement within the Roman Catholic Church about 500 years ago. On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther put 95 theses at the gate of the Castle Church in Wittenberg (Germany), because he disagreed with some ecclesiastical doctrines, especially how people are put right with God. Many faithful Christians agreed with Luther’s ideas. Because his teachings were the beginning of the Reformation, Martin Luther can be called the "father of Protestantism".

Like the Evangelical Churches Lutherans believe that the teachings of the church have to be based on the Holy Scripture, not on man made traditions.
Like the Roman Catholic Church Lutherans confess the Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian creeds, practice the baptism of infants and believe that Christ is truly present in the consecrated bread and wine in the Eucharist.

You can find more information about Lutheranism here.







